Sunday, March 16, 2008

Malays Migrating?

Malays Migrating?

Posted by labisman
Sunday, 16 March 2008, MT

This is a Malaysian problem & it is not exclusive to one ethnic group.

Such racism, xenophobia, immaturity (low character development), attitudes & threats to civilised values (backward mentality), can be seen all over the country! Among those responsible, poor leadership, management, implementation & a lousy mediore system!

As a parent, there comes a time when kids would listen more to their peers compared to you. At this critical stage / point of their life, how many (great) parents, would want their kids being in our Malaysian education system & among the other student there. It's not so much a point per se, rather, its a "builup" in this sense.

You must have perspective to see the "truths". Having done some contract work (I wont say where for p&c reasons), I have travelled the whole of peninsula Malaysia & seen for myself what is happening to our young minds. I have also travelled to & lived in many other countries.

I'm just sharing a story here & not saying its true. I believe all ethnic groups in this country can be enlightened & learn something from this story. I once had a conversation with an ethnic Malay friend of mine, whom was going at the time & has now already migrated to Singapore. I have summarised some parts of our conversation below. Sorry bro if I said it wrongly, or without enough ooomph :)

"We Malays (majority, not all), are getting less & less respect from other races in this country & even in other countries as we'll. The Chinese & Indians here don't respect us (business, work, education, merit, leadership, etc.) & many of us cant even go overseas, survive & get respect there as well.

Tell me then, how has the NEP helped or empowered us? I think it has only succeeded to the benefit of UMNO-Baru's "UMNOputras", whom want to divide & rule this country & fill their pockets! Corruption, cronyism, nepotism, political dynasties, etc.!

They have even convinced the Malays through the MSM, mediocre educational system, institutions that be, countless ceramahs (brainwashing), etc. to blame others (not take responsibility), to be in a self-deluded denial about things, to not be independent & to be dependent on the system, etc. Tell me, which race is running the government & whom are (the main ones) listening & voting for them?

My cousins whom are born & raised in Singapore are so different. Their level of self-respect(pride) is so much higher. Not only do they speak & carry themselves better & are more Independent. They are also generally more courageous, refined, clear, sharp, matured, curious, etc. They are also generally more responsible, proactive, take care of themselves & are survivors. They don't blame the government as much. They accept & take responsibilty & move on.

I would not want my child to grow up in this system. I have lost all hope in our government (BN) & future of this country! Such a vicious terrible cycle! Nothing short of a revolution is going to change things!"


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