Benarkah PAS sudah ubah matlamatnya?
Norman Fernandez | Jan 14, 08 2:35pm
Benarkah penubuhan negara Islam tidak lagi menjadi isu? Dalam satu kenyataannya baru-baru ini, Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memberitahu bahawa PAS tidak berhasrat menubuhkan negara Islam. Malahan mengikut Anwar, PAS - dalam tiga tahun kebelakangan ini - tidak bercakap ataupun membangkitkan isu ini lagi.
Kenyataan Anwar adalah reaksi kepada kenyataan Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh sebelum ini yang mengatakan bahawa DAP hanya bersedia bekerjasama dengan PKR sekiranya parti itu memisahkan diri dari PAS.
Rakyat umum masih ingat bahawa PAS, PKR dan DAP pernah suatu masa dahulu menganggotai pakatan Barisan Alternatif (BA). Namun, pengundi, khususnya pengundi Cina, tidak menyokong tindakan DAP bekerjasama dengan PAS.
Ini jelas terbukti apabila dalam pilihanraya umum 1999, isu penubuhan negara Islam yang diwarwarkan oleh PAS dikatakan penyumbang kepada kemerosotan undi dan kekalahan kerusi DAP di Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN).
Pada tahun 2001, DAP keluar dari BA kerana tidak lagi sehaluan dan sependapat dengan matlamat PAS. Peristiwa 911 di Amerika Syarikat dan pengisytiharan unilateral Malaysia sebagai negara Islam oleh mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, mempercepatkan lagi keputusan DAP untuk keluar dari BA.
Dalam pilihanraya umum 2004, giliran PAS pula untuk melihat kemerosotan undi dan kerusi-kerusi di Parlimen dan DUN. Jika pada 1999, PAS boleh menawan Terengganu, tetapi dalam pilihanraya umum 2004 lain pula musibah yang melanda PAS. Rakyat Terengganu kembali memberi mandat memerintah kepada Barisan Nasional (BN). Di Kedah dan Kelantan, PAS hilang kerusi kerusi yang dimenanginya dalam pilihanraya umum 1999.
Pilihanraya 1999 dan 2004 menunjukkan bahawa masyarakat bukan Melayu masih belum bersedia dan enggan berkompromi mengenai isu negara Islam. Ekoran peristiwa DAP keluar daripada BA dan juga kemerosotan undi dan prestasi PAS dalam pilihanraya 2004, mula dilihat PAS melembutkan isu negara Islam. PAS tidak lagi cuba menonjolkan dan mendepankan isu negara Islam.
Anwar, PKR dan PAS tahu betapa pentingnya undi pengundi Cina, memandangkan ambang pilihanraya sudahpun kelihatan. Kemelut politik negara pada masa ini juga sekali lagi memberi peluang untuk PAS mengulangi kegemilangan 1999.
Pengundi pengundi Cina sekali lagi akan menjadi penentu. Tambahan pula, dengan pengundi-pengundi India, ada kemungkinan ketidakpuasan masyarakat India mungkin ditunjukkan melalui peti undi. Dalam keadaan sedemikian dan lebih-lebih lagi untuk memikat pengundi Cina, PAS nampaknya tidak lagi mendepankan matlamat sebenar PAS. Cita-cita dan niat sebenar PAS kini tersirat dan terpendam.
Sebenarnya, tidak apa yang salah berpegang teguh pada cita-cita dan matlamat. Sekurang kurangnya PAS jujur dan ikhlas dengan niat dan matlamatnya. Tetapi realiti politik negara adalah berbeza. Negara Islam masih tidak boleh diterima orang bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam.
Kembali kepada isu pokok, persoalannya ialah, benarkah kenyataan Anwar bahawa penubuhan negara Islam tidak lagi menjadi matlamat utama bagi PAS.
Saya percaya kenyataan Anwar adalah tidak benar. Penubuhan negara Islam tetap menjadi dasar dan matlamat PAS. Melayari lamanweb Dewan Pemuda PAS Wilayah Persekutuan, jelas membuktikan bahawa PAS masih belum berganjak dari matlamatnya.
Dalam laman web tersebut, terpapar kenyataan Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Aziz bahawa “PAS sebagai pembangkang adalah sebagai penegur dan penasihat kepada pemerintah. Seandainya kerajaan pemerintah menukar Perlembagaan dengan meletakkan Islam sebagai wadah perjuangan dan perlembagaan negara, PAS tidak akan menentang. Sebaliknya, PAS akan bekerjasama dan bersatu dengan pemerintah demi kedaulatan dan perlembagaan negara”.
Ini adalah kenyataan paling jelas bahawa matlamat PAS tetap sama dan belum berubah. Jika ini tidak cukup bukti, Harakah edisi 15 Disember 2007 dengan nyata dan terang menyatakan cita-cita PAS, iaitu “menegakkan negara Islam”.
Dalam keadaan sedemikian, pengundi bukan Melayu dan khususnya pengundi Cina sudah tentu akan was-was untuk memberi sokongan kepada PKR yang jelas terjerat di antara menonjolkan identiti multi-kulturisme dan sekularismenya, tetapi juga menjalin perhubungan dengan PAS kerana survival nasibnya banyak bergantung kepada PAS.
Juga, bagi orang bukan Melayu, kenyataan terbuka Tuan Guru juga membayangi suatu keadaan di mana undi dan sokongan bukan Melayu, jika diamanahkan kepada PAS, dalam sekelip mata, boleh dikorbankan jika timbul kesempatan yang memberi peluang untuk PAS mencapai matlamatnya.
Malahan hari ini ramai terkejut dengan pengakuan PAS bahawa PAS dan Umno kebelakangan ini sering mengadakan perjumpaan membincangkan isu berkaitan Melayu dan Islam.
Justeru itu, walaupun isu negara Islam menjadi duri dalam daging untuk PKR, suka atau tidak suka, PKR terpaksa reda dan akur dengan tindak-tanduk dan matlamat PAS. Paling kurang dengan tidak menyatakan penentangan terhadap matlamat PAS secara terbuka.
PKR dan PAS perlu memperakui realiti Malaysia. Empat puluh peratus rakyat Malaysia adalah rakyat bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam. Oleh yang demikian, biarpun diyakini janji setinggi langit, orang bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam tetap tidak sama sekali akan menyokong, mahupun sanggup menerima matlamat PAS.
Selagi PAS enggan menerima realiti negara ini dan selagi hakikat ini tidak diambil kira, PAS dan PKR akan lemas dalam impian yang tidak tercapai.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Ketegangan BN-istana isu MB T'ganu

Ketegangan BN-istana isu MB T'ganu
Fathi Aris Omar | Mar 22, 08 9:09pm, Malaysiakini.
analisis Jika majlis angkat sumpah menteri besar Terengganu dipulaukan oleh semua wakil rakyat BN esok, parti itu kini berdepan dengan tanggapan umum bahawa ia sengaja mencipta masalah dengan istana - sekali gus melanjutkan krisis sejak tamatnya pilihanraya umum 8 Mac.
Hari ini, selepas keadaan tidak pasti selama 14 hari tanpa calon menteri besar, istana melantik wakil rakyat Kijal Datuk Ahmad Said menggantikan Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh.
Majlis angkat sumpah dijadual pagi esok di Istana Tamu, Kuala Terengganu.
Namun 23 lagi Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) dengan diketuai oleh setiausaha badan perhubungan Umno negeri Datuk Rosol Wahid mengisytiharkan secara terbuka untuk memulaukan majlis tersebut.
Usaha ini kelihatan sudah dirancang lebih awal apabila sumber-sumber Umno negeri memberitahu Malaysiakini kelmarin, Idris yang juga pengerusi BN negeri meminta semua Adun - kecuali Ahmad - menurunkan tandatangan sokongan kepadanya.
Sumber itu juga tidak senang apabila Idris membuat kenyataan menyeru rakyat Terengganu agar bertenang sementara menunggu menteri besar baru dilantik.
Idris seolah-olah memberi gambaran rakyat masih bersamanya, kata sumber itu lagi.
Sumber-sumber Umno itu bimbang penduduk akan memandang serong kepada Umno dan membawa kesan politik yang negatif apabila parti itu dilihat cuba menentang istana.
Hari ini, sebelum sidang media Rosol, wakil-wakil rakyat BN bertemu Idris di kediaman rasmi menteri besar dan kemudian masing-masing menurunkan tandatangan sekali lagi bagi menyokong Idris untuk diserahkan kepada Majlis Penasihat Pemangku Raja (MPPR) jam 9 pagi esok.
Tandatangan sokongan tadi kali ketiga dikeluarkan sejak krisis ini - satu kempen tandatangan sokongan wakil-wakil BN kepada Idris pernah diserahkan kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi pada pertemuan mereka Sabtu lepas.
Kenyataan Rosol, yang dikatakan penyokong setia Idris, petang tadi mengulangi ugutan DAP memulaukan majlis angkat sumpah menteri besar baru Perak, Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin minggu lepas atas alasan parti itu menolak wakil rakyat PAS sebagai calon jawatan tersebut.
Kenyataan pemulauan tokoh utama DAP Lim Kit Siang itu telah menyebabkan istana Perak menangguhkan majlis itu dan mengesyorkan semua 31 wakil DAP, PKR dan PAS menandatangani persetujuan dengan calon menteri besar itu.
Suasana berkonflik di negeri pakatan tiga pembangkang utama itu kini telah selesai, seperti juga krisis pelantikan menteri besar Perlis - perebutan antara Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim dengan penggantinya Datuk Dr Mat Isa Sabu.
Shahidan, yang terus-menerus mendakwa hingga saat akhir mendapat sokongan Perdana Menteri, tidak hadir di majlis angkat sumpah.
Kedua-dua kebingungan ini selesai dengan Shahidan dilaporkan menerima Isa demi kebaikan Umno dan BN di negeri itu, dan Lim pula memohon maaf kepada istana dan menghadap sendiri Pemangku Raja Perak selepas majlis angkat sumpah Mohamad Nizar.
Walaupun berita pelantikan Ahmad tidak begitu mengejutkan tetapi pemulauan majlis angkat sumpah esok benar-benar satu tamparan kepadanya dan sekali gus MPPR.
MPRR minggu lalu gagal mengadakan pertemuan di Putrajaya dengan wakil-wakil BN apabila majlis yang dijadual pada 11 pagi dibatalkan di saat-saat akhir. Dua puluh wakil parti itu kemudian mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Abdullah.
Di Terengganu pula, naik beberapa puluh sepanduk menyatakan sokongan kepada istana. Sepanduk yang memuatkan antaranya perkataan "Daulat Tunku" dan kesediaan rakyat bersama istana itu bagaimanapun diturunkan selepas dua jam kemudian.
Dalam satu kes kelmarin, polis berjaya menahan empat lelaki berusia 23 hingga 27 tahun kerana dipercayai membawa 20 helai kain rentang di Jalan Sultan Mahmud, Kuala Terengganu berhubung pelantikan menteri besar.
Kain rentang itu yang dirampas awal pagi itu antaranya bertulis "Daulat Tuanku Selamatkan Terengganu Darul Iman" serta "Daulat Tuanku, Rakyat Berdiri di Belakang DYMM Tuanku".
Semalam ketua polis negeri Datuk Ayub Yaakob pula memberi amaran agar penduduk tidak menyebarkan SMS mengaitkan isu itu dengan pihak istana kerana bimbang ia menimbulkan keresahan dan kekeliruan rakyat, selain mencemarkan institusi diraja itu sendiri.
Dalam keadaan tidak pasti itu, Peguam Negara turut mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong tidak terlibat dalam isu tersebut.
Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail menyatakan, Sultan Terengganu yang juga Yang di-Pertuan Agong dilarang terlibat dalam hal-ehwal pentadbiran negeri kecuali menyentuh kepentingan Islam.
Calon menteri besar bukanlah pilihan baginda, kata Abdul Gani lagi.
Malam ini, selepas melaporkan perkembangan istana telah melantik Ahmad sebagai menteri besar, tiba-tiba sebuah stesen televisyen swasta melaporkan, seorang ahli politik Terengganu kini sedang disiasat Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) berhubung beberapa projek di Kijal.
Siapakah ahli politik Terengganu yang tidak disebutkan namanya dalam laporan TV3 itu tetapi disiasat BPR kerana projek-projek di Kijal?
PKR Youth calls for scrapping of NEP

PKR Youth calls for scrapping of NEP
Posted by Raja Petra
Saturday, 22 March 2008, Mt
Selangor Parti Keadilan Rakyat Youth yesterday said it supported the move to do away with the New Economic Policy (NEP) and replacing it with the Malaysian Economic Agenda (MEA).
PKR youth chief Halimey Abu Bakar said MEA would aid all needy Malaysians, regardless of race and would not jeopardise the special rights of Malays.
"Malay special rights are enshrined in the Federal Constitution as well as PKR's own constitution."
Halimey said the movement would soon be extending an invitation to Umno Youth for an open debate about changing the NEP.
"I would like them to come and debate merits of the old policy instead of airing their grouses through street demonstrations."
However, Halimey said Umno had the right to voice its concerns in a legitimate manner.
Halimey said the Youth wings of PKR, Pas and DAP would soon be issuing a joint statement on the MEA.
Meanwhile, he said the state PKR Youth would work to ensure all promises in the party's manifesto were fulfilled. - NST
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Miba: Give multiracial politics a chance


Miba: Give multiracial politics a chance
Thu, 20/03/2008 - 18:28 — lucid
RK Anand | Mar 20, 08 6:06pm
The Malaysian Indian Business Association (Miba) has appealed to all Malaysians to give multiracial politics a chance to grow in this country.
Its president, P Sivakumar said this brand of politics is beneficial for the country and the economy.
"We live in the age of globalisation. At the end of the day, we are all human beings and citizens of the world," he told Malaysiakini today.
Sivakumar also said it is wrong to claim that the New Economic Policy (NEP) has benefitted all the races.
"NEP did little for the Indians," he said, adding that the community achieved successes due to its own effort.
"Otherwise, why would 30,000 Indians take to the streets despite the police warning that it is an illegal gathering?" he asked in reference to the Nov 25 rally organised by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf).
Sivakumar said the abuses, weaknesses and implementation of the NEP were never monitored or debated in the Parliament or mass media.
"For instance, take the Indian community's issues pertaining to rights and equal opportunities in government jobs, education, training and business. These were swept under the carpet," he said.
The Miba president said former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad had lent credence to this assertion when he stated just before the 12th general election that MIC president S Samy Vellu never raised such issues during his administration.
"However, it will be a total lie to say that Samy Vellu did not raise any issues at all. But the serious and sensitive issues which have been growing over time had been sidelined.
"This drove the Indian community to demonstrate against their faithful friend, Barisan Nasional, and bring about Samy Vellu's defeat in Sungai Siput as well as demanding his resignation as MIC president," he said.
Voted for change
Sivakumar said the electorate had given their verdict on March 8.
"The majority has signalled that multiracial politics is the way forward. So why should some minority groups protest against this. Are they questioning the majority's decision?" he asked.
He urged these groups to take a moment to reflect and visualise how Malaysia should be over the next 20 years or so.
"Do they wish to see a communalism-riddled society without an identity or a beautiful single Malaysian race? "If you love Malaysia, love Malaysians," he said.
Calling on these groups to look at past Umno presidents, Sivakumar said Tun Abdul Razak had introduced the NEP in the 1970s to restructure society and eradicate poverty regardless of race.
"His successor Hussein Onn resigned because he did not want to accept communal politics and Mahathir, a real champion of the Malays, in his final years as Umno president had also advised the Malays to shed the 'crutches' mentality.
"What about the founder of Umno? The venerable Onn Jaffar, who called on Umno, MCA and MIC to form a non-communal party, to unite all races under one roof for the common good of all and to avoid communal bickering and racial tension," he added.
On that note, Sivakumar said there is nothing wrong if PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim comes out with a new affirmative policy to help the poor of all races.
"A policy which protects the interest of the poor from cronyism," he added.
PKR has rejected the NEP in favour of what it calls the Malaysian Economic Agenda (MEA) to help the poor regardless of colour or creed.
However, Anwar has come under fire from Umno over this and protests have been held in the wake of the March 8 polls which saw an additional four states falling into opposition control.
Exco S'gor & Exco Perak angkat sumpah Isnin ini




Exco S'gor angkat sumpah Isnin ini
Mar 20, 08 2:02pm
Barisan exco kerajaan negeri Selangor akan mengangkat sumpah di Istana Alam Shah di Klang Isnin depan, kata Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.
Menurutnya, beliau akan mengumum nama-nama barisan exco berkenaan selepas majlis angkat sumpah tersebut.
Beliau memberitahu pemberita demikian selepas menghadiri majlis sambutan Maulidur Rasul di Shah Alam hari ini.
Menurut Bernama, majlis sambutan tersebut dihadiri oleh Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.
Khalid enggan mengulas lanjut mengenai komposisi barisan exco negeri, tetapi berkata: "Kami (PKR, DAP and PAS) telah dapat menyelesaikannya."
Mengenai jawatan timbalan menteri besar, Khalid berkata beliau akan menjelaskan perkara itu selepas majlis angkat sumpah ahli exco Isnin depan.
Para penyokong 12 badan bukan kerajaan telah mengadakan demonstrasi secara aman di Dataran Shah Alam semalam untuk mendesak Khalid supaya tidak melantik timbalan menteri besar.
Kumpulan tersebut yang diketuai oleh Ketua Pemuda Umno Selangor, Abdul Shukur Idrus, meminta Khalid supaya jangan melantik bukan Melayu ke jawatan tersebut serta mengekalkan kuota ahli exco Melayu seperti dalam kerajaan negeri sebelum ini.
Exco Perak
Manakala barisan exco Perak pula dijangka diumumkan esok dengan majlis angkat sumpah jawatan mungkin diadakan Isnin ini.
Pengerusi DAP Perak Ngeh Koo Ham berkata dua timbalan menteri Besar Perak yang akan dipilih dari kalangan 10 barisan Exco yang bakal dilantik, juga akan diumumkan pada hari yang sama.
"Pakatan DAP, PKR dan PAS hampir memuktamadkan senarai berkenaan. Kita hanya perlu memperkemaskan beberapa portfolio lagi yang kita jangka akan selesai pada satu mesyuarat yang akan diadakan lewat hari ini," katanya yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Sitiawan, kepada pemberita.
Katanya satu mesyuarat antara ketiga-tiga parti berkenaan sebelum ini telah memutuskan PKR diberikan tiga jawatan Exco dan DAP enam dan PAS satu selain jawatan menteri besar yang telah diisi oleh Muhammad Nizar Jamaluddin.
Umno, BN siasat cubaan lompat parti




Umno, BN siasat cubaan lompat parti
Mar 20, 08 5:37pm, Malaysiakini.
Walaupun Perdana Menteri yakin wakil-wakil BN tidak akan melompat kepada parti-parti pembangkang, Umno bagaimanapun akan menyiasat kemungkinan wujudnya usaha berbuat demikian dalam kalangan pemimpin Umno.
tengku adnan mansor 041007Setiausaha agung baru Umno Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor berkata pihaknya akan menghantar ejen risikan untuk memastikan dakwaan bahawa kini wujud percubaan memujuk ahli-ahli parlimen meninggalkan BN.
"Wakil-wakil rakyat kita sedar bahawa BN dan Umno satu-satunya gabungan dan parti untuk mereka," katanya hari ini.
Beliau bagaimanapun memberi amaran kepada parti pembangkang agar "jangan jadi bodoh" untuk menghasut wakil-wakil BN melompat parti, lapor laman web Star Online.
Tengku Adnan mengulas kenyataan penasihat PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bahawa pihaknya menyambut baik wakil-wakil rakyat BN yang ingin berpindah parti.
abdullah ahmad badawi pak lah 110907Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hari ini dilaporkan menyedari usaha memujuk wakil-wakil BN lompat parti dan yakin tiada sebab kerajaan pimpinannya tumbang kerana ia kuat dan mendapat sokongan rakyat.
Sementara agensi berita Bernama melaporkan BN akan mengirim pasukan risikannya ke Sabah dan Sarawak tidak lama lagi untuk .
Memetik kenyataan Tengku Adnan, laporan itu menyebut BN memerlukan maklumat sahih untuk menilai perkembangan mutakhir.
"Maklumat yang diterima setakat ini ada yang sahih dan tidak sahih. Ada kata gini, ada kata gitu," beliau dipetik sebagai berkata.
Usaha menarik wakil BN kepada pembangkang muncul selepas parti itu gagal memperolehi majoriti dua pertiga, sementara parti-parti pembangkang pula hanya memerlukan 30 kerusi di Dewan Rakyat untuk memerintah dengan majoriti mudah.
BN mendapat 140 kerusi dan pembangkang 82 kerusi parlimen.
lim guan engMengulas isu yang sama, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, dan juga setiausaha agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng hari ini meminta Perdana Menteri membuat laporan polis jika ada bukti parti pembangkang "membeli" wakil-wakil BN.
Lim berkata, ia harus dilaporkan kepada polis kerana "membeli" wakil rakyat satu kesalahan di sisi undang-undang dan dianggap rasuah.
"Kalau ada bukti, saya harap beliau boleh tunjukkan supaya tindakan boleh diambil," katanya selepas menghadiri majlis sambutan Maulidur Rasul peringkat negeri itu.
Lim menafikan DAP terlibat dalam kegiatan seumpama itu.
Beberapa hari lalu, Anwar menyatakan beliau kini sedang mengadakan rundingan dengan sejumlah wakil BN yang berhasrat berpindah parti.
"Mereka datang dan mendekati kita," kata Anwar.
anwar ibrahimBekas timbalan perdana menteri itu menambah, beliau telah bercakap dengan "sejumlah" wakil rakyat BN dan memaklumkan bahawa sokongan mereka tidak akan diberikan ganjaran.
"Jika mereka mahu menukar parti dengan sejumlah harga, nampaknya mereka telah memilih parti yang salah," katanya.
Tambahnya, mereka dialu-alukan beralih parti "jika mereka menerima agenda kita".
Anwar mengesahkan beliau kini sedang mendapatkan dukungan ahli-ahli parlimen BN dari Malaysia timur, kumpulan sokongan besar yang boleh menumbangkan parti itu jika berlaku pertukaran parti.
MP Serian keluar BN, sertai PKR?



MP Serian keluar BN, sertai PKR?
Tony Thien | Mar 20, 08 5:18pm, Malaysiakini.
Ahli parlimen Serian, Richard Riot telah keluar dari Supp - parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) - bersama ramai ahli parti itu dari kawasannya selepas beliau tidak dilantik sebagai timbalan menteri di peringkat pusat.
richard riot 200308Richard, seorang Bidayuh, telah menjadi ahli parlimen Serian selama lima penggal. Beliau menang kerusi Serian sebagai calon bebas pada 1990 dan menyertai Supp untuk mengekalkan kerusinya sebagai ahli parlimen BN kerana Serian merupakan kerusi tradisi Supp.
Richard menyerahkan surat keluar parti kepada Presiden Supp, Tan Sri Dr George Chan Hong Nam pada hari yang sama Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengumumkan barisan kabinetnya.
Seorang ahli veteran parti itu, yang bertindak sebagai jurucakap ahli parlimen Serian itu, mengesahkan kepada Malaysiakini desas-desus bahawa Richard telah keluar parti bersama ramai penyokongnya dari lima cawangan Supp kawasan tersebut.
Setiap cawangan mempunyai lebih 1,000 ahli.
Jurucakap tersebut yang tidak mahu namanya disebut berkata, selepas surat itu diserahkan kepada Chan, presiden Supp itu menghantar setiausaha agungnya, Sim Kheng Hui pergi memujuk Richard.
"Tetapi Richard tidak dapat ditemui," tambahnya.
Menurut jurucakap itu lagi, ramai ahli Supp di Serian, sebahagian besarnya suku kaum Bidayuh, telah memulangkan kad keahlian mereka dan menghantarnya dalam sebuah beg kepada presiden parti bersama dengan surat keluar parti.
Bendera parti Supp di pejabat Serian telah diturunkan dan dibakar oleh ahli-ahli yang marah.
'Tidak dipenting'
Dalam suratnya itu, Richard dikatakan telah memberitahu Chan - salah seorang timbalan ketua menteri Sarawak - bahawa parti itu tidak mementingkan kaum Dayak.
Chan dituduh mengemukakan empat nama dari parti tersebut untuk pertimbangan perdana menteri sedangkan beliau (Chan) sendiri tahu kuota untuk parti itu hanya tiga jawatan - seorang menteri penuh dan dua timbalan menteri.
Empat nama tersebut ialah ahli parlimen Miri, Datuk Peter Chin, Datuk Robert Lau (Sibu), Datuk Yong Khoon Seng (Stampin) dan Richard Riot.
Richard memang kerusi Serian untuk penggal kelima dengan majoriti besar 13,427 undi, mengalahkan calon Snap, Sylvester Belayong Jayang. Parlimen Serian mempunyai 27,901 pemilih berdaftar - 80 peratus daripadanya suku kaum Bidayuh.
Ekoran keputusan Richard itu, Supp kini hanya mempunyai lima ahli parlimen - semua kaum Cina. Parti itu kalah kerusi parlimen (Bandar Kuching) kepada penyandang dari DAP, Chong Chieng Jen.
Richard tidak dapat dihubungi tetapi jurucakapnya memberitahu Malaysiakini bahawa beliau telah pulang ke kampungnya dan tidak akan menemui sebarang pemimpin Supp.
Beliau dijangka menjadi ahli parlimen bebas walaupun terdapat laporan yang mengatakan beliau telah menunjukkan minat untuk menyertai PKR.
12 proposals for parliamentary reform and modernization



In 2004, I had made 12 proposals for parliamentary reform and modernization for Malaysia to have a “First World Parliament” not only in infrastructure, but mindset, culture, practices and performance.
These 12 proposals for First-World Parliament should be adopted as the parliamentary agenda of both the Barisan Nasional and the Opposition in the 12th Parliament when it convenes for its first meeting in May, viz:
- live telecast of parliamentary proceedings;
- daily two-hour question time;
- Prime Minister’s Question Time twice a week;
- Opposition MP heading the Public Accounts Committee (PAC);
- some 30 specialist Parliamentary Select Committees with a Select Committee for every Ministry;
- about ten general Parliamentary Select Committees to produce annual reports on progress, trends and recommendations on national integrity, IT, women’s agenda, environment, mass media, corruption, etc;
- allocation of certain days a week specifically to deal with Opposition business;
research and constituency staffing for MPs;
- an Opposition Deputy Speaker;
- modernization and democratization of Standing Orders;
- code of ethics for all MPs;
- Ministers’ Parliamentary code of conduct.
The political tsunami of March 8, 2008 general election is an unmistakable mandate and demand for far-reaching changes in Malaysia after 50 years of nation-building, including the creation of a vibrant, vigorous and truly representative First-World Parliament.
At the meeting of PKR, PAS and DAP leaders in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday night, I had proposed that PKR President Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail be the Parliamentary Opposition Leader of the new Parliament until Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim regains his full civil liberties and is re-elected to Parliament, and the proposal was agreed by the leaders of the three parties.
DAP MPs and I will give full support to Azizah and the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz who is now fully responsible for parliamentary affairs, to turn the Malaysian Parliament into a First-World Parliament – as it is better to be late than never.
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Do not disturb Penangites' peace



Do not disturb Penangites' peace
Concerned Penang Citizen | Mar 19, 08 4:13pm, Malaysiakini.
I refer to the Malaysiakini report Umno holds one-hour protest at Komtar.
Elected by Penang people, the Chief Minister YB Mr Lim Guan Eng is the overall head of the state of Penang; and therefore the security of the state must come under his control. Although this newly formed state government allows the freedom for peaceful demonstrations, Umno and its leaders should not raise sensitive racial issues while doing so. We the people of Penang of all races condemn such actions.
I refer to the SMSes that some parties are planning to hold to hold a rally/demonstration at the Penang State Mosque tomorrow. Are they trying to stir the communities’ feelings?
The BN Government has been denied the chance by the people of Penang of all races to rule the state of Penang in the recent 12th General Election. As is our right, we demand that they leave the running of the state to our elected representatives; and do not hold whispering campaigns in mosques to disturb the peace enjoyed by Penangites.
Recently, Umno party members had demonstrated at Komtar in Penang. Wasn't this an illegal gathering without a police permit? And wasn't it ‘not their culture’ to do so? How come the police allowed the demonstration to proceed? This was unlike the Hindraf rally on Nov 26 when police's brutality was the rule of the day. Is our PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the BN Government practicing double standards here? If so, what a shame that Malaysia ruled by Umno is a disgrace to the international community.
Aggrieved Tun Dr Mahathir urges Ku Li to challenge Adullah Ahmd Badawi!


Thursday, March 20, 2008
Aggrieved Tun Dr Mahathir urges Ku Li to challenge Adullah Ahmd Badawi!
Tun Dr Mahathir aggrieved with the political situation urges Ku Li to the rescue!
Ku Li can engage the Malay opposition when facing common enemies!
Hey people!
My deep cover source in Pak Lah's camp confirmed that this prime minister is feeling it so bad already to realize that his one wish to resign will not and can never be achieved, but unless he "drops" dead!
"He is so, so afraid of his inner circle that he cannot even dare to utter the word resign," this source said. I was also told that when he found out Ku Li was going to mount a challenge him at the next Umno elections he started to wheeze.
Other reliable source also told me it was Tun Mahathir who prompted Ku Li to mount a challenge on Dollah Badawi in view of the critical last general elections that saw BN component parties, which includes Umno, being defeated so bad that it prompted Ku Li to say, as quoted by the NST: "Haven't Umno members realised we've lost five states? Are they all still sleeping."
Then Mahathir had met with Ku Li and it was then decided that the latter must challenge Dollah to save Umno and Malays from falling over into a political oblivion.
Ku Li's camp said the post of the deputy president will not be touched as it will belong to Najib for sure!
In view of this recent development, in supporting Ku Li, I have now decided to forgive Mahathir for his major faux pas in choosing Dollah Badawi as his deputy that have lead the country into a political turmoil where DAP has now the power to even ridicule the Malay sultanate system!
A bit of a cheers today.
Posted by Pasquale at 10:17 AM
Exco S'gor angkat sumpah Isnin ini



Exco S'gor angkat sumpah Isnin ini
Mar 20, 08 2:02pm, Malaysiakini.
Barisan exco kerajaan negeri Selangor akan mengangkat sumpah di Istana Alam Shah di Klang Isnin depan, kata Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.
Menurutnya, beliau akan mengumum nama-nama barisan exco berkenaan selepas majlis angkat sumpah tersebut.
Beliau memberitahu pemberita demikian selepas menghadiri majlis sambutan Maulidur Rasul di Shah Alam hari ini.
Menurut Bernama, majlis sambutan tersebut dihadiri oleh Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.
Khalid enggan mengulas lanjut mengenai komposisi barisan exco negeri, tetapi berkata: "Kami (PKR, DAP and PAS) telah dapat menyelesaikannya."
Mengenai jawatan timbalan menteri besar, Khalid berkata beliau akan menjelaskan perkara itu selepas majlis angkat sumpah ahli exco Isnin depan.
Para penyokong 12 badan bukan kerajaan telah mengadakan demonstrasi secara aman di Dataran Shah Alam semalam untuk mendesak Khalid supaya tidak melantik timbalan menteri besar.
Kumpulan tersebut yang diketuai oleh Ketua Pemuda Umno Selangor, Abdul Shukur Idrus, meminta Khalid supaya jangan melantik bukan Melayu ke jawatan tersebut serta mengekalkan kouta ahli exco Melayu seperti dalam kerajaan negeri sebelum ini.
DEB punca Melayu sokong pembangkang...



DEB punca Melayu sokong pembangkang...
Mar 20, 08 3:38pm, Malaysiakini.
Seorang pemimpin veteran MCA berkata keputusan pilihanraya umum 8 Mac lalu menunjukkan orang Melayu menyahut seruan reformasi dan menyedari Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) menjadi punca utama kronisme dan rasuah.
wong sai houKetua MCA PJ Utara, Dr Wong Sai Hou berkata, keputusan kali ini juga menunjukkan penyokong Barisan Nasional (BN) semakin kehilangan kepercayaan terhadap pemimpin parti masing-masing.
berkata, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mendapat kemenangan besar pada 2004 tetapi tidak menunaikan janjinya untuk membersihkan pertadbiran kerajaan.
Dalam satu kenyataan hari ini, beliau berkata, ia diburukkan lagi dengan kedudukan MCA, Gerakan dan MIC yang menjadi makin tidak penting, dengan Umno mendominasi BN.
Dalam pilihanraya umum kali ini juga, katanya, orang Melayu menyahut seruan reformasi menyedari bahawa Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) menjadi punca utama kronisme dan rasuah.
Supaya kekal relevan, katanya, BN mesti menangani semua isu-isu yang dibangkitkan sewaktu kempen pilihanraya umum lalu.
Wong pernah menjadi Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kg Tunku selama dua penggal.
Bagaimanapun, dalam pilihanraya umum kali ini, beliau telah digugurkan dan digantikan oleh muka baru dari MCA, Sheah Kok Fah.
Sheah kalah kepada calon DAP, DAP's Lau Weng San dengan majoriti 7,977 undi.
Kematangan politik
Wong juga menyifatkan keputusan pilihanraya umum 8 Mac lalu yang menyaksikan BN kalah teruk, dengan "jelas menunjukkan bahawa rakyat telah mencapai kematangan politik yang sangat tinggi".
"Untuk pertamakalinya dalam tempoh 51 tahun, kita melihat pemilih Cina mengundi calon-calon DAP dan pemilih Melayu mengundi calon DAP," katanya.
Namun begitu, katanya, parti-parti komponen BN - Umno, MCA, Gerakan dan MIC masih terus meneruskan mengamalkan garis politik perkauman.
Ini, tegas Wong, jelas menunjukkan bahawa mereka masih belum sedar apakah punca kekalahan mereka dalam pilihanraya umum 8 Mac lalu.
"Jika masih terus memimpin parti masing-masing mengikut garis kaum seperi sekarang, memainkan sensitiviti emosi, lima tahun lagi, BN mungkin beralih menjadi sebuah parti pembangkang," katanya.
Dalam pilihanraraya umum tersebut, BN gagal mengekalkan majoriti dua pertiga di Dewan Rakyat apabila hanya memenangi 140 daripada 222 kerusi Parlimen.
BN juga turut kehilangan empat negeri - Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak dan Selangor kepada barisan pembangkang.
Manakala PAS pula berjaya mengekalkan penguasaannya di Kelantan, dengan tambahan kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN).
Cabinet: East Malaysians left out again



Cabinet: East Malaysians left out again
Xroy | Mar 19, 08 4:18pm,Malaysiakini.
I refer to the Malaysiakini report PM unveils 'trimmed-down' cabinet.
It’s the road down the drain which began with Dr Mahathir Mohammed and now continues with Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. If the trend continues, we are headed for the ditch. Mahathir almost wiped out all internal opposition to his rule including Musa Hitam, Razaleigh Hamzah, Anwar Ibrahim etc.
Now take a look at this new cabinet, look at the number of East Malaysians who hold key cabinet positions - they are almost totally absent. Hasn’t East Malaysia delivered to the Barisan Nasional? Aren't there good and dynamic East Malaysians (Pairin to name one) who could contribute effectively?
Without the East Malaysians’ help, the BN would have lost this elections and yet the MCA has more key positions in the cabinet than we have East Malaysians. Key Ministries need to go to the East Malaysians too but the defence, home, foreign affairs and education portfolios have all gone to Umno.
It is time the defence and home affairs portfolios go to Sabahans and Sarawakians for a change; aren't they Malaysians as well? Why is it they get only a smattering of the cabinet positions?
Now let’s take another look at our cabinet. Several have been dropped but you have Muhammad Muhammad Taib being brought into the cabinet by the back door. Why was Muhammad not given a seat to contest in the first place if there was intention to bring him into the cabinet?
Why bring him in through the back door? Everyone knows that ‘Mike Tyson’ would have knocked out any opposing candidate in his constituency. But he was not given a seat at all and I would like to think that this was in line with the thinking of the day that all those whose integrity was blemished should be left out.
The same reason why the all powerful Zakaria Deros was also dropped from the BN Selangor line up. But now, the bringing in of Muhd Taib through the back door only indicates that Abdullah had run out of options - having dropped all the people in his cabinet who did not share his views, he needed someone to fill in the gaps.
Anyone who has the slightest inkling of what leadership is will surely tell you that this is one of the weakest traits f a leader - not accepting the views of others especially his own men.
The appointment of the present cabinet indicates a huge problem not for Abdullah but for the country. The choices of the man at the helm do not seem to give us the confidence that they are the people who can deliver.
Not need for Tsu Koon to fade into obscurity


Not need for Tsu Koon to fade into obscurity
Penang Forever | Mar 19, 08 4:08pm, Malaysiakini.
Former Penang Chief Minister Dr Koh Tsu Koon was a gentleman in every sense of the word when he not only conceded defeat but also worked towards ensuring a smooth transition of power to the new incoming DAP/PKRM coalition government in Penang on March 8. In contrast, Penang Umno were sore losers, venting their frustration by illegal demos against the new Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng to create racial tension.
Obviously Penang Umno, long accustomed to Malay political hegemony over the non-Malays, could not accept a situation where it and its lackeys had been defeated via the ballot box. It therefore went along with the lies spun by Utusan Malaysia and Bernama on the marginalisation of the Penang Malays and the ultimate challenge to Ketuanan Melayu by the incoming administration.
This was because they could not refute Guan Eng's assertion at his first media conference for transparency in the award of future government projects based on open tenders, exposing a much abused and undesirable NEP practice of awarding projects to Umno/BN cronies which had bred widespread nepotism and corruption.
Hence their wildcard defence was to play the racial card in accusing the Penang government of wanting to abolish the NEP to sideline the Penang Malays when it was clear to all and sundry that Guan Eng had no intentions of doing so. Utusan and Bernama had completely blacked out the news that the first thing Guan Eng did after becoming Chief Minister was to visit Tanjong Tokong, an enclave of poor Penang Malays, to assure them of whatever economic help they would need.
Penang Umno was even prepared to cut its nose to spite its own face in calling on the federal government to stop mega-projects for Penang such as the proposed Second Bridge, the Penang outer ring road, etc in an attempt to sabotage the new Penang government. Koh has rightly come out to call on the federal govt not to renege on its previous pledges of economic development for Penang as reflected in those mega projects.
Lambasting Penang Umno on that score was something which Koh lacked the courage to do when he was Chief Minister in the previous Umno-controlled Penang state government. Now that Koh has finally got the big Umno burden off his shoulders, perhaps he should not waste his time in trying to revive a dead horse like the Gerakan for the simple reason that Umno would not appreciate it.
Even when Gerakan, MCA and MIC had representation in Penang, Umno tend to ride roughshod over them. Now with their total and complete annihilation, Umno would tend to despise them even more.
Gerakan leaders such as Koh, Kerk Choo Ting, Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dominic Puthucheary and others had high hopes of reforming the BN from within when their party joined the BN coalition in the early 1970s. The complete rout of the Gerakan in Penang in this year's general election will finally convince them that their motive has failed with Umno not wanting to tone down its racist policies, let alone give them up altogether.
In succumbing to Umno's racist policies, Gerakan over the years, lost the original multi-racial orientation it was formed with 40 years ago. When it was completely routed in Penang on March 8, Gerakan had ended up as a rump Chinese party, no better than the MCA, failing to defend Chinese rights vis-a-vis Umno in the BN.
While Kerk, Toh and Dominic have all faded into obscurity, Koh can still play a useful political role for the people of Penang in his individual capacity. Koh can still make use of his vast experience as a former Chief Minister and international connections to help the new DAP/PKR coalition state government get off the ground, work towards establishing a strong and clean government and consolidate this in the next 4 or 5 years.
Should this be successful, the people will reward the Penang government with another five-year mandate in the next general election. And much of the credit would no doubt go to Koh. I'm sure Guan Eng, scouting for talent and experience to help his new government in the Herculean task of good governance, will welcome the valuable contributory role of Koh as adviser.
It is high time Koh calls it quits with Umno which had no respect for Gerakan in the first place. If he can, Koh should also take Gerakan out of the BN, revert to its original multi-racial stance and merge with DAP or PKR as these are multi-racial parties in orientation.
This will give the much needed boost to multi-racial politics which is beginning to see a new dawn in the country after voters rejected the communal politics of the BN.
Kit Siang to push again for parliamentary reforms



Kit Siang to push again for parliamentary reforms
Mar 20, 08 3:49pm, Malaysiakini.
Opposition leader and DAP Ipoh Timor MP Lim Kit Siang has revived calls for a series of wide-ranging parliamentary reforms ahead of the new Parliament session expected to convene in May.
lim kit siang dap pc 130208 seriousOut of his 12 proposals to create a ‘first-world Parliament’, seven were the same which he had made after the 2004 general election. The 2004 polls marked his comeback to Parliament after a five-year hiatus.
"The political tsunami of the March 8 general election is an unmistakable mandate and demand for far-reaching changes in Malaysia after 50 years of nation-building, including the creation of a vibrant, vigorous and truly representative first-world Parliament," he said in a statement today.
Topping the list are the previous calls for:
- Live telecast of parliamentary proceedings
- Daily two-hour question time
- Opposition MP heading the Public Accounts Committee (tasked to ensure government’s money is well-spent)
- Some 30 specialist parliamentary select committees with a select committee for every ministry
- About 10 general parliamentary select committees to produce annual reports on progress, trends and recommendations on national integrity, IT, women’s agenda, environment, mass media, corruption etc.
- Allocation of certain days a week specifically to deal with opposition business.
- Research and constituency staffing for MPs.
While the newly-included proposals are:
- prime minister’s question time twice a week
- An opposition deputy speaker
- Modernisation and democratisation of standing orders
- Code of ethics for all MPs
- Ministers’ parliamentary code of conduct
Slow pace of reforms
Among Lim’s suggestions, the daily question time was extended by 30 minutes to one-and-a-half hours during the last Parliament sitting while several select committees have been set up.
The select committees include one to review the controversial amendments to the Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code, on national integrity, national unity and national service.
Lim, who has been the Parliamentary Opposition Leader since 1973 except for the term of 1999-2004, retained his Ipoh Timor parliamentary seat in the last election with a thumping 21,942-majority votes after defeating BN-MCA’s Liew Mun Hon.
However, with the March 8 election results, Lim and two other main opposition party leaders have decided to support PKR president and Permatang Pauh MP Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the new Parliamentary Opposition Leader.
In the just-concluded general election, PKR won 31 parliamentary seats, while DAP holds 28 and PAS 23.
According to tradition, the leader is selected from the opposition party with the most number of seats but based on consensus among all the parties involved.
Wan Azizah is expected to hold the post until her husband and PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim’s ban from active politics is lifted mid-April and re-elected to Parliament.
"DAP MPs and I will give full support to Wan Azizah and the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz who is now fully responsible for parliamentary affairs, to turn the Malaysian Parliament into a first-world Parliament - as it is better to be late than never," said Lim.
PKR Members - Please dont turn PKR into another UMNO kind of Organisation



PKR Members - Please dont turn PKR into another UMNO kind of Organisation
Posted by Raja Petra
Thursday, 20 March 2008, MT.
Dear PKR members and supporters
Allow me to congratulate you on your hard work with DAP and PAS that has led you to capture 6 states ( including WPKL) in Peninsular Malaysia.
Your dedication and hard work had pays off. All of you deserved the victory. I assume and I hope that the reason that you have been active in PKR is because you believe in its struggle.
Many of PKR members are actually disgruntled UMNO members. Why are they so unhappy … well there is many reason to it. Some didn’t like the way UMNO run the country, others don’t like what they did to Anwar and many because they were not rewarded enough while they were in UMNO. Many people joins political party with certain expectations. When their expectations are not met, they will switch camps.
On the local scene in Bukit Antarabangsa, it was quite a surprise for me when I saw some of my neighbours who were gun-gho supporters of UMNO in 2004 election, suddenly change colours. In 2004, they provide transport to ferry voters, they put up the flags and manned the various “pondok panas” for UMNO and it is the same people today that are doing it for PKR. I ask some of this people on why they switch camp and I get a mixed response but mostly the underlying message they were not rewarded financially from UMNO.
For PKR to survive and promote a clear multiracial and pure ideologies, it needs to make sure the members that joins the party do so with the right reasons. There is no point taking in opportunist that will eventually destroy the party. Today PKR is the bridge between PAS and DAP and it is hope that one day that there will be one strong party whose members shares a commonly acceptable ideologies. The members are responsible to ensure that the party leadership toe the line and stick to the principles of the party. The party leadership must not use dubious means to ensure that they meet the party goals. They must use the right and honourable approach and this will ensure the long term development of a healthy party.
Today, in Ampang and in many areas, PKR is opening up branches to recruit members. Many people came forward to help PKR by “investing” in the form of tent, food, meeting space in a restaurant (+a round of food on the house). How many of these people are sincerely honest. I was told that the operator of a big mamak restaurant in Bukit Antarabangsa has been lobbying Azmin and his PKR friends to sit on the board of Ampang Municipal Council. He now provides his business premises as a place for PKR leadership to campaign and to thank the public. What PKR is doing is actually copying UMNO culture.
In UMNO, if you sponsor a few things here and there and once people remembers you, then you will be rewarded in the forms of power, money and business. This is what exactly is happening. Now the Restaurant Operator in BA has been “investing” in PKR heavily, he expects to be rewarded. What happens if you do not reward him? He will become an enemy from within. This and many of other people of this nature will kill the party. For the information of the readers, the owner of this restaurant has escaped many actions from MPAJ previously even though repeated complains were made to the local authorities previously for using the 5 foot way for its business, using the parking lot as a place for his customers, cooking in the 5 foot way and many more. There is enough rules and regulations on business to be conducted. Here is a man who gets away by breaking every law in the city. Is this the kind of people that now PKR wants to consider to sit on MPAJ local council? I hope not.
I believe PKR top brains must change its strategies in order to meet its goals. The strength does not necessarily lies in numbers. The strength today lies in the Information Distribution which I believe is the main reason why PKR alliances won handsomely. Without doubt, the party needs members but it must not accept people that jump from one boat to the other. It must find new strategy in recruiting and trying to push its agenda.
My discussion with many friends shows that we feel that there is no need for PKR to set up so many branches in every “Taman”, kampungs etc. It can push its agenda via the local council, respectable NGO’s, Parent Teachers Associations, Resident Associations and many other organizations similar to this. People who volunteers for a non political and social activities are the best people. These people know that kind of association cannot reward them in anyway. They are honest and sincere. The same goes with Resident Associations. They are doing volunteer work. They don’t get paid. PKR should engage this people and work with them in spreading their good work and ideologies. They will less likely to ask for something in return compared to those people who has been investing and sponsoring the party. Even if they were to ask for something it will not be for their personal gains but rather for their associations which would then benefit their members who are actually the “Rakyat”.
PKR and its alliances must look at new method of appointing local authorities. I suggest that it should look at selection criteria professionally and membership to the party is not a must. They must not take people who ask and has been lobbying the party to join its local council. As currently there is a restriction in the laws on the local council elections, I suggest that local the state government advertise this position in the media.
Those who wish to serve will apply formally and there is no need to use back door connections. Determine a quantifiable criteria selecting a council member. This kind of actions and many other transparent decision making will actually strengthen the party. People are more educated now days. They now use their senses and computers in making a decision. These are the kind of people that PKR and its allies must focus and win their hearts.
I do hope and pray PKR and its alliances will form one party. This party will focus on the people as its agenda. Look at good common values in each individual parties and use them in the new party. Insya’allah ( With God Grace), a new agenda for Malaysia will prevail. The members of PKR must monitor the actions of their leadership. They must provide the check and balance in the party, to ensure that the party stays true to its cause.
Dr Mohamed Rafick Khan bin Abdul Rahman
MD MMed (OM) MBA (IT) Dip Ae Med CTM AME (17)
The countdown begins



The countdown begins
Posted by Raja Petra
Thursday, 20 March 2008, MT
Whoever crosses the finishing line first with 112 Members of Parliament wins. And it could be Anwar or it could be Tengku Razaleigh. If it is Anwar, then Barisan Rakyat will form the new government, and if it is Tengku Razaleigh, then Barisan Nasional will remain in office.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Anwar says it's possible with BN defections
Malaysian opposition chief Anwar Ibrahim says he is moving towards forming a new government with the help of defectors from the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.
"I don't know how soon we can form the new government, but we are moving in that direction," said the former Deputy Prime Minister, who was sacked and jailed a decade ago.
This comes as the opposition alliance said Anwar's wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, will be the opposition leader in Parliament, holding the post until her husband formally returns to politics.
A corruption conviction prevented Anwar from contesting the elections, but the ban will end in the middle of next month.
Dr Wan Azizah has said during the polls that she was her husband's proxy. She is expected to vacate her parliamentary seat after next month so that Anwar can contest a by-election there.
Anwar is expected to win easily and to officially take over the helm of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
Dr Wan Azizah is officially the head of PKR, but Anwar is its de facto leader in his capacity as its adviser.
The post of the opposition leader in Parliament was previously held by the Democratic Action Party (DAP). But in the recent elections, PKR emerged as the largest opposition party - winning 31 seats to the 28 for DAP and 23 for Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS).
The opposition alliance of PKR, DAP and PAS seized more than a third of parliamentary seats and four more states from BN.
Anwar said coalition lawmakers from Malaysia's eastern states of Sabah and Sarawak on Borneo island had contacted him to discuss switching sides. The power bloc there could unseat the government if it changed hands.
"The MPs from there have come here to see me," Anwar said, adding that he was in no hurry to become the next Prime Minister, but that the opposition would already be in power if the polls had been clean and fair.
"I am maintaining that if there was no fraud in the election, we would have won. If we had 2 per cent more votes, we would have formed the new government," he said.
Anwar said Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's future was in jeopardy and that the ruling United Malays National Organisation was affected by infighting and looming defections.
Abdullah has dismissed Anwar's plans and refuted opposition claims that ruling party members want to defect after the election debacle. - AGENCIES, 20 March 2008
One day after the 8 March 2008 general election, Anwar Ibrahim flew to Sarawak and the following day he stopped over in Sabah before coming back to Kuala Lumpur. And the two-day flying visit to these two East Malaysian states was certainly not to catch up on the latest Iban or Dayak cultural shows. The three opposition parties had just swept 82 of the 222 Parliament seats plus now had control over five states and all it needed was another 30 seats to form a federal government with a simple majority of 112.
Sabah and Sarawak, which have a combined 53 seats in Parliament, make sense because about 80% of these seats are in non-Umno Barisan Nasional component members' hands. The opposition had made little in-roads in East Malaysia or else the opposition would by now have formed the federal government. One million 'new' voters from Indonesia and the Philippines ensured that Sabah would not be to PKR what Kelantan is to PAS.
There is little love-lost between East Malaysians and Umno. East Malaysians view Umno as a parti penjajah or a colonialist party. Many regret the move to allow Umno into Sabah, and although Umno is not quite in Sarawak yet, the many Umno flags flying all over the state give the impression that it is a matter of time before Umno moves into Sarawak as well. This 'visible' presence of Umno make Sarawakians very nervous and if they have to leave Barisan Nasional just to keep Umno out they would do just that.
“Kita orang Umno juga tidak suka Umno,” said one Sabah warlord who is an Umno division chief and a Member or Parliament. “Kita meyertai Umno kerana Umno berkuasa di Sabah tetapi kita harap Umno akan jatuh supaya kita boleh kembali ke parti asal.”
This sums up the sentiments of even those who can be viewed as Umno 'strongmen' in Sabah. “Saya mahu bertanding di atas tiket PKR tetapi Anwar Ibrahim beritahu kami jangan tinggal Umno untuk sementara waktu. Anwar suruh kami bertanding di atas tiket Umno dan kemudian, sekiranya pembangkang menang cukup kerusi, barulah kita keluar Umno dan menyertai pembangkang.”
Yes, there were many planned defections before the 8 March 2008 election but Anwar told them to stay put in Umno and Barisan Nasional and make sure that they win their seats first. Only if the opposition wins with a large enough minority and all it needs are those few extra seats to form the government should they leave the ruling coalition and join the opposition.
This was certainly a sound strategy because Sabah and Sarawak can always play the role of king-maker. And, considering that Sabah and Sarawak control about 24% of the seats in Parliament, they would be a most powerful king-maker indeed. And if Anwar agrees that Malaysia shall have two Deputy Prime Ministers and one of the two shall be rotated between Sabah and Sarawak, this would be enticing enough for the 50 odd Parliamentarians from Sabah and Sarawak to cross-over to the opposition to enable it to form the new federal government.
But Sabah and Sarawak are not the only discontented group. Even if just half the Sabah and Sarawak Members of Parliament cross-over this would be good enough. Thus far it is rumoured that 23 Barisan Nasional Parliamentarians have already agreed to cross-over. This means Anwar needs just seven more Parliament seats to form the federal government. And it will not be that difficult to find seven discontented Parliamentarians from amongst the 90 or so remaining from Peninsular Malaysia.
Anwar's job is cut out for him and he does not have to try too hard to find these discontented Parliamentarians. Umno President and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is on self-destruct mode and his own moves are helping Anwar by the day. It makes one wonder whether Abdullah is intentionally shooting himself in his foot to make Anwar's life as easy as possible. Could Abdullah be secretly helping Anwar to take over just so that another nemesis, previous Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, fails in his effort to help Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak take over?
It is no secret that Mahathir wants Abdullah out and that he plans for Najib to take over. It is apparent that yesterday's Cabinet reshuffle was a cleansing exercise to rid the party of the Mahathir-Najib elements. But what this has achieved instead is to create many powerful enemies within the ranks of Umno who, before this, played low-key for fear of losing their positions but now no longer have anything left to hold them back. Abdullah would have been best-advised to keep his friends close and his enemies even closer the way Mahathir normally does. Now, Abdullah has isolated and antagonised his enemies and has allowed them to regroup into a golongan kecewa or discontented lot.
In the run-up to the 8 March 2008 general election, Abdullah and Najib made a pact whereby 60% of the candidates will be Abdullah's men while 40% will be Najib's. Then, on the eve of Nomination Day, Abdullah deviously amended the candidates' list and kicked out Najib's men. Najib was caught with his pants down, not to forget Rosmah's twisted knickers as well.
Now, the golongan kecewa no longer need to pretend that they support Abdullah just to protect their positions. They can now openly side with the anti-Abdullah faction. After all, they have nothing to lose any more, anyway.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah is not sitting pretty as well. Since 2006, he has been holding secret meetings with Mahathir to explore the possibility of getting support from the Grand Old Man of Malaysian politics in his bid to mount a challenge for the Umno presidency. Mahathir is not against the idea of Tengku Razaleigh taking over but he wants Najib to be part of the equation. Maybe Tengku Razaleigh takes over for one term and then Najib takes over from there.
But Najib is a liability and Tengku Razaleigh does not feel that this running-mate will augur well for his image. Najib is carrying just too much baggage which will be very difficult to whitewash. So, the almost two-year negotiations with Mahathir has not gone any further than how it first started. Tengku Razaleigh can, of course, declare Mahathir as irrelevant and he can mount his bid with or without Mahathir's endorsement. This is not Tengku Razaleigh though. He would like to mount his challenge but he would like to do it with Mahathir's blessing. He may have his differences with Mahathir but he would not like to belakangkan the man who has been Prime Minister for 22 years and who was in fact the founder of Umno Baru, the party that Tengku Razaleigh intends to take over.
Mahathir is member number one and his wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Ali, member number two in the members' registration list. This should account for something. Mahathir, therefore, should not be left out in determining the new power structure of Umno. How to get Mahathir to agree that he takes over from Abdullah but not with Najib as the number two and as the successor-in-waiting? This was Tengku Razaleigh's dilemma the last two years in his long-drawn negotiations with Mahathir.
But the time for negotiations has ended. Before the 8 March 2008 general election, Razaleigh had the luxury of time. After all, the party elections will not be till August 2008. But the way things are going, Abdullah may not last till August 2008. So Tengku Razaleigh has to move now or else, yet again, miss the boat.
Yesterday, in Kota Bharu, Tengku Razaleigh announced that he is going to make a bid for the Umno Presidency, which will then automatically make him the Prime Minister -- if Barisan Nasional can hold on to its 140 seats in Parliament. If he did not make this announcement then there is a possibility that no less than 30 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament will cross-over to the opposition and the Barisan Nasional government will have to make way for the new Barisan Rakyat government.
The race is on and the countdown begins. Abdullah may not last till August 2008. Some have even boldly predicted that Abdullah may not last 30 days. Whether this is clairvoyance or wishful thinking we will of course know in time. But one thing is for sure, both Anwar Ibrahim and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah are in a race to see who will cross the finish line first and become the new Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Both Anwar and Tengku Razaleigh are acceptable to PAS and DAP. PKR, though, would prefer Anwar while many in Umno do not want to see Anwar become Prime Minister. So while both Anwar and Tengku Razaleigh are fishing in the same PAS-DAP pond, Anwar will have to look at PKR and the non-Umno Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament for support while Tengku Razaleigh will depend on the Umno Members of Parliament.
Whoever crosses the finishing line first with 112 Members of Parliament wins. And it could be Anwar or it could be Tengku Razaleigh. If it is Anwar, then Barisan Rakyat will form the new government, and if it is Tengku Razaleigh, then Barisan Nasional will remain in office. The earliest possible date for the challenge would be when Parliament convenes on 5 May 2008. If 112 Members of Parliament support a vote of no confidence on the Prime Minister then the Agong will have no choice but to appoint a new Prime Minister from amongst the 222 Members of Parliament. It is as simple as that. But whether they can get 112 Members of Parliament to do just that and which of the two, Anwar or Tengku Razaleigh, would lead that motion of no confidence is something we shall all have to bite our fingernails and wait to see what happens.
To the party members, it will make a a big difference as to whether Anwar or Tengku Razaleigh heads the new government. To the non-partisan voters, though, it does not matter which scenario prevails because both will bring about reforms. Anwar's agenda for reform is well-documented and needs not be repeated here. Tengku Razaleigh, however, is an unknown commodity and certainly quite an attraction to those who wish for changes but are not quite ready for a paradigm shift just yet.
Humans, just like all mammals, are creatures of habit and are resistant to change. Sure, the system has failed and it needs changing. But how much of a change should they risk? Should they go for an absolute change and take their chances with a Barisan Rakyat federal government of should they keep Barisan Nasional in office on condition that there is a leadership change?
Many want to first see how the five states under opposition control perform before opting for a complete change. Let them run these five states for five years and let us see whether we can trust them with the job of running the country, appears to be the popular sentiment. Not many are adventurous enough to dabble with the unknown. And it is not known yet whether Barisan Rakyat is capable of running the country. So Tengku Razaleigh as Prime Minister appears to be more comforting to most Malaysians than an opposition Anwar Ibrahim.
If Abdullah stays on then there would be no choice in the matter. If the only way to get Abdullah out would be to kick out Barisan Nasional then so be it. But if there is an alternative, and if this alternative involves a leadership change within Umno and Barisan Nasional, and if this new leader is the likes of Tengku Razaleigh, then this would be a 'gentler' and safer change than a paradigm shift.
Whether Anwar gets to form the new federal government will all depend on Tengku Razaleigh. If Tengku Razaleigh makes his move and appears to have some chance of success, then the people will wait and see what happens. But if Tengku Razaleigh does not make his move or appears to have no chance in hell of toppling Abdullah, then the people will look to Anwar for this change. And that is why, yesterday, Tengku Razaleigh was forced to announce his decision to challenge Abdullah. Now, Tengku Razaleigh has offered Malaysians two options instead of just one, Anwar Ibrahim. If Tengku Razaleigh had kept quiet and had waited until August to make his move, it may be too late. By then Anwar may already be the new Prime Minister of Malaysia. And as for Najib, well, he can always lead the Barisan Nasional golongan kecewa club which has grown very large indeed.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008



Berikutan adalah senarai penuh wakil-wakil rakyat KeADILan di peringkat Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri:
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
P.115 - Batu - Tian Chua
P. 121 - Lembah Pantai - Nurul Izzah Anwar
P. 124 -Bandar Tun Razak - Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim
P.116 - Wangsa Maju - Wee Choo Keong
N.10 - Bukit Melawati – Muthia Maria Pillay
N.19 Bukit Antarabangsa – Mohamad Azmin Ali
N.14 - Rawang – Gan Pei Nei
N.16 - Batu Caves – Amirudin Shari
N.11 – Ijok – Tan Sri Khalid Ahmad
N.25 - Kajang – Lee Kim Sin
N.32 – Seri Setia – Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
N.33 – Taman Medan – Haniza Mohamed Talha
N.37 - Bukit Lanjan - Elizabeth Wong Keat Ping
N.39 – Kota Damansara - Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim
N.40 – Kota Anggerik – Yaakob Sapari
N.41 – Batu Tiga - Rodziah Ismail
N.46 – Pelabuhan Klang – Badrul Hisham Abdullah
N.49 – Seri Andalas – Xavier Jayakumar
N.50 – Seri Muda – Mat Suhaimi Shafiei
P.94 - Hulu Selangor - Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad
P.97 - Selayang - William Leong Jee Keen
P.98 - Gombak - Mohamad Azmin Ali
P.99 - Ampang - Zuraida Kamaruddin
P.104 - Kelana Jaya - Loh Gwo Burne
P.105 - Petaling Jaya Selatan - Hee Loy Sian
P.107 - Subang - R. Sivarasa
P. 109 - Kapar - S. Manickavasagam
P.112 - Kuala Langat - Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid
P.82 - Indera Mahkota - Azan Ismail
P.83 - Kuantan - Fuziah Salleh
N.28 – Bakar Arang – Tan Wei Xu
N. 29 – Sidam – Tan Chow Kang
N.34 – Lunas – Mohd Rahzi Salleh
N. 35 – Kulim – Lim See Nee
P.10 - Kuala Kedah - Ahmad Kassim
P.14 - Merbok - Datuk Rashid Din
P.15 - Sungai Petani - Johari Abdul
P.17 - Padang Serai - N. Gobalakrishnan
P. 18 - Kulim-Bandar Bharu - Zulkifli Noordin
N. 40 – Guchil – Tuan Zamri Arif Tuan Zakaria
P.26 - Ketereh - Abd Aziz Abd Kadir
P. 27 - Tanah Merah - Amran Abdul Ghani
P. 29 - Machang - Saifuddin Nasution Ismail
N.9 – Kuala Kurau – Abdul Yunus Jamhari
N.13 – Kuala Sapetang – Tai Sing Ng
N.14 – Changkat Jering – Kapt Mohd Osman Moha Jailu
N. 44 – Simpang Pulai – Chan Ming Kai
N.45 – Teja – Chang Lih Kang
N. 54 – Hutan Melintang – Kesavan Subramaniam
N. 59 – Behrang – Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi
P. 58 - Bagan Serai - Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri
P.62 - Sungai Siput - Dr M. Jeyakumar Devaraj
P. 71 - Gopeng - Dr Lee Boon Chye
Pulau Pinang
N. 12 – Penanti – Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin
N. 14 – Machang Bubuk – Tan Hock Leong
N.17 – Bukit Tengah – Ong Chin Wen
N.18 – Bukit Tambun – Law Choo Kiang
N.20 – Sungai Bakap – Maktar Shapee
N.24 – Kebun Bunga – Ong Khan Lee
N.35 – Batu Uban – Raveentharan
N.36 – Pantai Jerejak – Sim Tze Tzin
N.37 – Batu Maung – Abdul Malik Kassim
P.44 - Permatang Pauh - Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail
P. 53 - Balik Pulau - Mohd Yusmadi Yusoff
P. 47 - Nibong Tebal - Tan Tee Beng
P. 52 - Bayan Baru - Datuk Zahrain Mohd Hashim
Negeri Sembilan
N.13 – Sikamat – Aminuddin Harun
N.14 – Ampangan – Rashid Latiff
N.29 – Chuah – Chai Tong Chai
N.33 – Port Dickson – Ravi a/l Munusamy
P.132 - Telok Kemang - Datuk Kamarul Bahrin Abbas
admin @ March 13, 2008
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