Thursday, March 13, 2008

Barisan "Harapan" Rakyat: It's Your Last Chance! Grow or Get Wiped Out!

Thursday, March 13, 2008 .. Surind ..
Barisan "Harapan" Rakyat: It's Your Last Chance! Grow or Get Wiped Out!

This is a final warning to all & I don't care who you are! Don't Mess With "Barisan Rakyat" (The People's Front) & The Political Tsunami That It (Increasingly) Brings! Hero / flag worship, racial politics & fear mongering is dead! Performance, contribution (giving), consistency, walking the talk, following through on "The People's Declaration" & "being" are all that counts! 5 years will fly... "listen"!
To truly understand politics, the Yang Berhormat's, the Rakyat, the Boss, needs to think like politicians - & yet have enough control & personal security not to completely "go over". There is an element of truth in the famous saying... "It takes one, to know one." If there is one thing this whole fiasco has thought us... be patient & think before you speak! See the big picture & think long-term!

Politics man, politics... do not completely trust any politician! Remember, it is us, the rakyat, whom have to speak up & pressure for systems of checks & balance - "Balance of Powers". We will have "birth pains" in creating BR & we too must walk the talk, for action speaks louder than words ever will.

I'm no political scientist (my degree is in Management), but you don't have to be an unbalanced smart ass to see the truth! Remember that DAP is an old party; & just like any old organisation, there is past (heritage) that it comes along with it. It would most likely have different movements & groups / bandwagons within. Ideologies, mentality, maturity, comfort zones, etc. Evidence... the infighting! & duality that you, or at least "some" see.

Going deeper, I don't like to stereotype & it's not actually an age thing, though you will most likely tend to see more of certain age group in any 1 of the bandwagons mentioned above. To digress a little, I would like to see an end to "Auntie" politics! We have had enough of your Oprah (Chat Show) busy-body, ladies night, cocktail party, gossipy, over emotional, sympathy (vs. empathy), etc. conduct!

We want young, brave, intelligent, courageous, matured & balanced women with some "balls" metaphorically speaking, whom are not afraid to rock the boat! I would like to see more young professional women getting involved in Barisan Rakyat. People like Hannah Yeoh. Dear ladies, if DAP or any other political party marginalises you or you suffer discrimination (like they have done in the past) let us know. Death to "Auntie" politics, especially those whom get nothing done in Parliament!

I would also like to take some time to remember the contributions of V David.

Moving on respectfully, LKS is sharp, with good experience & still shows no signs of slowing down. Having said that, I do think that the older generation in DAP needs to take more of a back bench when it comes to giving statements & addressing the press (PC). Let the young(er) mature guys in DAP handle it, Guan Eng included.

Next... chauvinistic attitudes, blind spots (lack of awareness) & "taking the easy way out", is apparent both in DAP & PAS. Just like any other corporation (corrupt-ration) in this country, whom wants to stay in business (win votes) & keep its customers satisfied. It takes a shock & big smack in the face to wake some of this people / groups up & for them to get out of their comfort zone! We have just demonstrated how we slapped their face, grabbed their balls & moved them to a better place, for our vision to become a reality: Anak Bangsa Malaysia & Barisan Rakyat (The People's Front)!

At this point (in my opinion), I would also like to say that Bahasa "Malaysia & English" is our "Anak Bangsa Malaysia" language! Every other language should take a back seat in this country & highly specialised & globalising learning world / economy that we live in! There is simply not enough time & the ethnic Chinese, Indians, DLL should not be wasting time fighting for Tamil & Chinese schools! We should be working towards (transition stage), only 1 type of school system where these languages & more, should be offered as a full examinable subject. Practice is important & for a child, it is the parents responsibility to use these languages at home. Do not underestimate the importance of this & working towards it!

Moving on, Barisan Rakyat damage control & the group of Malaysians (ethnic Chinese mainly) whom are still anti PAS. Trust me when I say, that we need to have faith in PAS (a moderate group of them within at least), be proactive & empower this group of Malaysians, whom still have these immature feelings in their hearts & thoughts in their minds. A strong, progressive, fair, transparent, accountable & moderate (balanced) PAS, is our only hope in overthrowing UMNO! 2 party system, DAP & PKR merger, & PAS on the other side. A professional, prosperous & harmonious working relationship!

Let's say, I have already looked into my crystal ball & seen our new Perak MB doing a great job in the months & years to come! How... that's my little secret.

Please commit to this & get the ball rolling. Hidup Barisan Rakyat!

Malaysia today

Perak’s Barisan Rakyat will care for all, says new MB

Thursday, 13 March 2008

IPOH: Policies of the new ruling coalition in Perak will not marginalise any one race in the state, newly-appointed Mentri Besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said.

Calling the new government “Barisan Rakyat” (People’s Front), he said: “We will take into account the interest of the people when we make decisions or formulate policies.”

“We will not marginalise any community in the state. This is the government of the people, for the people and by the people. We will protect the rights of all races,” he said.

He told a press conference at the PAS headquarters here after being named the ninth Mentri Besar of Perak that the people should not feel worried, unhappy or anxious about the new government and his appointment.

Urging the people to give their full cooperation and support to the new government, Mohammad Nizar said he hoped the people would accept it as the “people’s victory.”

“Please do not harbour any suspicions or doubts about the new government,” he said.

On concerns over the implementation of Islamic rules, he said the policies would take into account the people's interests. - STAR

Excerpt from a comment here:

The Opposition should understand that one of the factors that caused the down fall of BN was not because the Rakyat loved the Opposition so much that it voted for them. It is because the Rakyat hated the BN and would have voted for a ‘Piece of Wood’ if it was nominated as a candidate. I am so sure if UMNO forces Pak Lah and KJ out,if MCA and MIC treatens to pull out of BN if those 2 dont remove themself from the BN, come next election, the Opposition will loose all 4 the states it gained this time.

Therefore, now is the only opportunity for the Opposition to show how well it can work together and put the well being of the Rakyat as the No.1 agenda of each party. This will make them be seen as a true alternative for the Rakyat no matter how much BN changes its ways to appeal to the Rakyat. One must not forget that most part of the Rakyat still loves the BN but not the people in it who have become arrogant over the years. This election was just a punishment to the BN, and by no means a shoe of Love to the Opposition.

Next, the Opposition must remember that the country has lived under the NEP environment for many years. Trying to totally abolish this system all of a sudden is not at all a good idea. It will be like Indonesia when Suharto resigned and democratic values was suddenly introduced. It was a shock to the system. People were going crazy with their new found freedom and this caused a lot of social difficulties. People are not ready for it (although they think there are). It has to be clearly thought out, planned and introduced in small doses.

Hence, the opposition should fucking stop this infighting, racial politics, talk of abolishing the NEP, scare mongerring the non-muslims against PAS, and starting working for the Rakyat. If you guys continue this way, by God you can be sure that come the next election, if BN nominates a ‘Piece of Wood’ (like they normally do) the Rakyat will vote for it just to teach the Opposition a lesson.

Could it be that the DAP was using this as a measure - a cheeky referendum of sorts - to prove to its hardcore supporters and all BRakyat politicans that the rakyat wants a coalition? This way, all three parties can comfortably form the Barisan Rakyat! It could be an Anwar-Kit-Nik Aziz behind-the-scenes plan. If that's even remotely the case, i must say that we have geniuses in our midst.

Excellent, Must Read! from:
Malaysia Today

The Malay Votes DAP!

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