Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Move to undermine Perak government launched

Move to undermine Perak government launched

Posted by Raja Petra
Wednesday, 19 March 2008,MT

(NEW STRAITS TIMES) - Pas has denied that it will stop the sale of liquor, abolish entertainment and gaming centres and introduce Hudud laws in Perak. Leaflets saying this would be done as soon as the political situation stabilises have surfaced in the state.

The leaflets, bearing the party's name, also label those against the formation of the Pas state government as infidels, and state that with the executive power of the menteri besar given by the DAP, which won the bigger number of state seats, the party would be able to implement all the stated agenda.

Pas information chief Misbahul Munir said yesterday his party discovered the distribution of such leaflets by unknown quarters last Sunday.

He said the leaflets, found mainly in the city, were not from his party, and that a report had been lodged.

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