Monday, March 17, 2008

On Sultan, please listen to rakyat's voice

On Sultan, please listen to rakyat's voice.

Mar 17, 08 12:15pm, Malaysiakini.

FW: In resolving this issue, may I suggest a delegate which represents the electorate of Selangor to seek audience with the Sultan Of Selangor rather than resorting to gossip via the media. We must understand the trauma of change has affected every body. As far as the state is concerned, the Sultan is still the chief but what is missing is a direct communication link between the palace and the people. This is not the Selangor Sultan’s private secretary Muhammad Munir Bani.

The delegate must be the voice of the Selangor rakyat and not a political party. Naming a non-Muslim MB definitely points to bringing the palace nearer to the hearts of all Malaysians and this present time is a real opportunity for the royalty to be felt as presence in the hearts of all Malaysians especially the non Malays. The head of state must feel there is a win-win situation.

Abc Abc: If there are certain religious ceremonies that must require the presence of the Menteri Besar (MB) of Selangor, can't those concerned do simple planning and book the dates for the MB well ahead of time? Just inform the MB's secretary. Why is this difficult? Then, a non-Malay/ non-Muslim Deputy MB will be a non-issue, as the MB will make himself available at that time.

However, if at all, the MB is not available for certain reasons or due to an unforeseeable circumstance, and the non-Malay, non-Muslim Deputy MB is the acting head of Selangor, can't the Deputy MB empower a Malay/Muslim state executive councillor to represent the MB?What is so difficult about this? Please think out of the box.

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